Board of Commissioners Meeting 7/2/2018

We attended the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners on Monday, July 2nd. The following items were on the agenda:

  • Resolution 18-0702.09, awarding the contract per bid to B&H Contracting for the construction of the Holgate Sanitary Sewer Pump Station (Janet Road) in the amount of $1,901,785.00, was unanimously approved.
  • Mayor Mancini stated that the beaches in the Holgate section of the Township are eroded even more than prior to the replenishment conducted in the spring. A lifeguard is on duty just north of the wooden jetty on a day-by-day basis, based on the size of the beach. Swimming, he added, is allowed north of the wooden jetty, but not to the south. “We don’t want people swimming south of the jetty; it’s unsafe” the Mayor noted. Surfers, though, are permitted south of the terminal groin (wooden jetty). Regardless, Mancini stated, anyone that heads to the beach there – to sit, swim or surf – needs to have a township beach badge as the area is municipal property and a lifeguard is stationed when the beach width allows. The Township decided a police officer was necessary to keep the peace after adult beachgoers yelled at young beach checkers. This information is in this week’s edition of the Sandpaper in an article entitled “Township Emphasizes: Beach Badges Required”.
  • An application for permit was submitted to the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection on June 28, 2018 for the replacement of the existing terminal groin (wooden jetty) with a new larger terminal groin consisting of steel sheathing, stone core and 8-12 ton armor stone. The Mayor stated it would take 3 to 4 months to obtain approval. Attached are two draft drawings of the proposed structure.

Other Items:

  • At our request, the Township Police Department has located one of its mobile electronic signs in Holgate. The effort is to try to get visitors and other walkers and joggers to abide by the rules of the road when utilizing the very narrow shoulders in Holgate. In addition, for their safety and the safety of everyone enjoying our community, the Holgate Taxpayers Association has purchased some additional signage to help everyone go in the right direction. We should be seeing these new signs shortly. These signs were designed by the Trustees of the Association and we especially appreciate the efforts of Frank Benintendo and Denise Tierney.
  • We completed the landscaping of the Tebco Terrace beach entrance in June. It looks great! Thanks to Andrea Daniels and Brian and Denise Tierney, the plants are being watered daily (maybe not today – Mother Nature did a lot of watering today).
  • We are finalizing the agenda for our next Trustees meeting to be held on Wednesday, August 1st in the temporary trailers of the Long Beach Township Marine Field Station on Osborn Avenue. We have several items to discuss including the preparations and assignments for the September 8th BBQ. We are also trying to arrange for a presentation from ReClam the Bay. We have budgeted funds to have that organization locate a giant clam in Holgate. The permanent Marine Field Station is expected to be completed before next summer. There will be some on-site parking once the permanent building is finished.
  • Lastly, there is strength in numbers and we want to continue to grow our membership. If you have neighbors or friends in Holgate who are new to the area and are not members, please let them know about the Association. Membership forms are on our web page at To make it easy, dues ($25.00) can be remitted using Pay Pal. Be sure to include an e-mail address so regular communications can be received. Thanks to member Marc Slovak, you can now go to the Association’s web page and have access to the traffic cameras at 38th Street, northbound and southbound, 28th Street southbound, the south parking lot ocean view and an ocean view in Beach Haven. Before travelling, take a look at the cameras and see what traffic conditions you will be facing or view the waves before going out to the beach.