July 2021 Update

Trustee Election Scheduled for September

The following Trustees and Trustee Officers have confirmed they will run for another two-year term 2021 – 2023: Trustees Frank Benintendo, Denise Brand, Bill Hutson and Ted Stiles; Officers Bill Cannon (Treasurer) and Yanni Kaloudis (Communications Director). Three additional trustee positions are open.

Any HTA member can be a candidate for Trustee if they have been a property owner or a year-round renter for the last two years. The member must submit a written statement on why they would like to be considered as a candidate, include a brief bio referencing any type of community work, and provide a nominating petition with 10 HTA member signatures (which may include the signature of the nominee).

All documents to become a candidate for Trustee must be received 30 days prior to the election and sent to the current President. The deadline is August 11.

Online voting for the slate of Trustee candidates will be completed by the September 11 General Membership meeting with results announced during the following week.

The top six (6) voted candidates are elected for a two (2) year term. If there are more than six (6) candidates, a maximum of three (3) candidates to receive the next highest vote totals are only elected to a one (1) year term as we look to fill nine (9) Trustee positions. This will allow us to return to more balanced elections in the future.

Members who are interested in becoming a Trustee are also encouraged to join one of the HTA committees to learn more about the organization.
Trustees will vote on the Officers slate at the November 7, Trustee’s meeting.


  • Fall Membership Meeting and BBQ: September 11
  • Fall Refuge Cleanup: September 18
  • Fall Dune Planting: September 25


Beaches: Some of the beaches are not great but are possibly better than expected. Unfortunately, there is no prospect for the extension of the steel jetty this Winter. While we await the scheduled 2023 LBI replenishment, we are very concerned about an unconfirmed report of a lack of funding for Army Corps replenishment in Delaware. Click here

Dune Abuse: It’s only mid-July and we have already seen vehicles drive up the beach entrances and destroy our dune plantings while endangering beachgoers. And then there are the people who feel they have a right to play or sit on the dunes. The Mayor is as horrified as we are; he suggested taking a photo of the offenders (especially if you can get a license plate) and consider calling the police.

Parking: Similarly, we have people parking illegally and blocking driveways. This also creates a safety situation for cyclists and pedestrians if there are too many cars parked illegally. And it impedes street cleaning and garbage collection. Call the police if this is a problem on your street.

New HTA Safety Program for Members: In partnership with the LBI Chamber of Commerce, the LBT Police Department and other local taxpayer associations, the HTA has obtained some illuminated wristbands for safer biking and walking when it gets dark. These are offered free of charge to our members who have volunteered for our clean-ups and dune planting programs in the last 12 months. If you have been a volunteer and would like a wristband, please contact Dan Macone at dkmacone74@gmail.com. A limited quantity is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Spring Clean-up: Due to date changes, a lower than expected number of volunteers turned out for this year’s clean-up. Special thanks to: Trustees Dan Macone (project organizer), Yanni Kaloudis (area captain), Frank Benintendo (area captain) and Frank Lowry; and volunteers – Kathy Macone (area captain), Pam Lowry, Bill Kehr, Ellen Kehr, Hank Henninger, Ms. Patricia, Susan Kakstys, Michael Widico, Karen Widico, James Timony, Kevin Kelly and Bob Waldron.

Marine Field Station: The new educational facility at 127 W. Osborn is holding a number of programs in July. July Program Schedule

Offshore Wind Farms: Updated fact sheet as produced by the Joint Council of Taxpayers Association is on the HTA website. This was compiled the NJ BPU formally agreed to purchase electricity from Atlantic Shores which is a significant step forward in this project. Wind Fact Sheet – June 2021 Also please note Atlantic Shores is hosting an online Open House to share information about their joint venture and the field of offshore wind. You will hear from their subject matter experts about project timelines, designs, job creation, environmental considerations, and more. There are three date options for you to select from:

  • Tues, July 20 (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
  • Wed, July 21 (12:00 pm – 2:00 pm)
  • Thur, July 22 (6:30 pm – 08:30 pm)

Participants will have time to explore project facts and videos in a virtual room prior to joining presentations and Q&A sessions with subject matter experts in breakout rooms.
Register to attend: Atlantic Shores Registration

Bond’s Park Recreation Area: The HTA is finalizing a survey to better determine what everyone would like to see for this area. The results will be shared with our members and the Township.

July Commissioner’s Meeting: New limits on rooftop hot tubs (cannot extend higher than permissible deck railing height) and pools (no longer allowed on roofs) were announced.
By-Laws Approval: The proposed By-Laws changes were approved with 59 members in favor out of a total of 60 votes cast.

Trash: The Township is strictly enforcing garbage regulations and giving out tickets – no warnings; be sure all garbage cans are sealed shut. If you rent, advise your tenants.
Coyotes: We are not aware of any recent coyote presence in Holgate although they have been reported in Loveladies. Please continue to report any sightings.
Compassion Café: Please support this new service which is staffed by people with intellectual and developmental challenges at Barry’s Do Me a Flavor in Beach Haven. Hours are Mondays-Thursdays from 7:00am -11:00am. http://bit.ly/CompassionCafeBarrys
Water Meters: Some LBT residents have still not activated their new water meters. Please be sure to do this to avoid a fine

The summer season seems to have started off even busier than in 2020. Please stay patient and take your time. We are all very fortunate to be here.

Holgate Clean-up Saturday, June 12, 2021

Holgate Clean-up Saturday, June 12, 2021

Help Keep Holgate Beautiful – Please Volunteer to Help

Volunteers for Areas 3 and 4 will meet in the south parking lot by the bathhouse at 8:15 AM.
Volunteers for Areas 1 and 2 will meet at 3001 S. Long Beach Blvd. at 8:45 AM.

Area 1 – Osborn to Abbott (Paper Street) Beach Accesses and Clam Cove

Area 2 – Rosemma to Scott Beach Accesses and Wetlands Beach

Area 3 – Holgate to Pershing Beach Accesses, Bay Beach, Playground, Basketball and Tennis Courts and Township Properties at the Bay End of Janet and Pershing

Area 4 – Wildlife Refuge to Roosevelt Beach Access

At those times, volunteers will be provided with gloves (if you are not able to bring your own), a pail or a bag for debris and trash collection and a bottle of water. Meet your area captain who will direct you to your assigned area and assist you during the clean-up. Arrangements have been made with the Township to pick up the collected debris at the specific points designated on the volunteer sheets. It is strongly recommended that long sleeves and long pants be worn, and that clothing be washed as soon as possible after the clean-up to protect against poison ivy.

Please e-mail Dan Macone at dkmacone74@gmail.com at your earliest convenience with your preferred work area.

Save the Date: Spring Membership Meeting, Saturday, June 5, 10am, Bond’s Park (Bay Tennis Court); Commissioner Ralph Bayard will attend and take questions; Coffee and snack will be served.

March – April Update (2021)

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their membership forms. We are ahead of last year’s record pace with big plans for 2021.


  • May 22 — Spring Dune Planting (morning)
  • May 29 — Spring Clean-up (morning)
  1. Beaches: The Township has made a tremendous effort on Beaches 3 and 4 trucking in sand and plowing it back up to the dune. This has been done much earlier than in past years so let’s hope for a mild Spring storm season.
  2. Dune Trespassing: We’ve had a number of reports of people sliding down and walking on the repaired dunes. Just as disturbing was their rude response when one of our residents has politely informed them not to do so. The HTA has formally requested more enforcement from the Township, including the issuance of costly fines. The Township also asked for any identifying photo or video that can be used to enforce the law since the trespassers have often left the area by the time the police arrive.
  3. Offshore Wind Farms: Registration information for the public hearings about Ocean Wind (this is the wind farm off the coast of Atlantic City, not LBI). They are hosted by BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management). The final hearing will be April 20 and will provide good background on these projects: Public Hearing Registration
  4. Spring Membership Meeting: Town Hall is reopening to the public in May and may be available to us for our meeting in early June (usually a Saturday morning). But we are still unsure how many members will be vaccinated. Please respond if you would rather have the meeting A) In person or B) Via Zoom.
  5. Coyotes: The trapping program has been completed so please notify the Township or the HTA if there are any sightings in Holgate. Try to get a photo or video if possible. Until we are sure they are gone, continue to seal your garbage, don’t put out food for cats, keep dogs on a leash and most important be very aware when outside with small children. While coyotes are generally thought to be afraid of humans, it is important to take every precaution.
  6. Trash Ordinance: The Township passed the ordinance affecting how we put out trash and recyclables but clarified this is only for homes WITHOUT a trash corral. If you don’t have a corral, the new ordinance requires you to put trash out no earlier than sunset the night before pickup. This means you have to store the trash in sealed containers at other times in your home, backyard or garage.
  7. Sign Ordinance: Also approved is a new ordinance that will eliminate the various “For Rent” signs in front of homes. The rationale is these have proliferated and are largely unnecessary with the shift to online listings. Signs can still be placed in windows.
  8. Dune Plantings: 2021 will be a huge push for the largest dune planting in our history. This is because of the continued erosion of the dunes and the added cost of water when the meters go into effect in 2022. We need everyone to consider volunteering to plant this Spring.
  9. Support the Food Pantry and Local Restaurants: We expect the demand for food will continue among local families who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. The Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations was recognized in the Sandpaper for contributing $10,000 last year. Please continue to donate to the Food Pantry at St. Francis while also supporting our local restaurants which are likely LBI’s largest source of employment. St. Francis Food Pantry
  10. Fire Inspection: A reminder to schedule your Ocean County Fire Inspection. This has to be done annually if you rent out your home. Ocean County Fire Inspection
  11. Water Meters: If you haven’t purchased one, you should expect to receive a summons. If you purchased but have not activated, the Township urges you to do so ASAP.
  12. Vaccinations: According to Dr. Lattanzi, Southern Ocean Medical Center has a better supply than the LBI Health Department if you are trying to be vaccinated.

On behalf of the HTA trustees, we are looking forward to seeing everyone this Spring for the dune planting and clean-up. Everything is outdoors and distanced, so it will be safe. And we need a lot of volunteers, especially this year (separate sign-up email to follow in the next few weeks).

February Update

For those of us happy to have 2020 in the rearview mirror, 2021 shapes up to be just as challenging albeit in different ways. To meet these challenges head-on, we would like to get all new and renewed memberships in early this year. This will save us time/money on follow-ups while allowing more resources to be devoted to the following impending issues. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Membership Form Link: Sign up!

Beaches: Beaches 3 and 4 have been hit very hard. From the pictures sent to me, at least half of the replenished dune is gone. While this means the dunes are doing their job to protect our homes, this protection is eroding. The Township has been great about plowing sand back up to the dune but the entrances are unusable due to the cliffs. Unfortunately, the Army Corps has rejected a request for emergency replenishment so we are on our own for now and will hope for a natural replenishment in the Spring.

Windmills: The HTA is working with the Joint Council of Taxpayers Association of LBI on this important development. There is a lack of information and some of it is incorrect. The JCTA has compiled a lengthy Q&A with Atlantic Shores, the company that holds the lease to build the wind farms. Key issues are visibility, impact on local fishing and cost (higher electric rates). Please at least skim through the Q&A: Windmills Q&A and the Latest Sandpaper Article

Coyotes: There are news reports that Barnegat Light has begun a trapping program. While some believe this is just a matter of sharing the island with these animals, others are concerned about the risks posed by what is considered to be an invasive species. Since they have been heard in Holgate too, be sure to seal your garbage, don’t put out food for cats, keep dogs on a leash and most important be very aware when outside with small children. While coyotes are generally thought to be afraid of humans, it is important to take every precaution.

Trash Ordinance: Speaking of garbage, the Township has approved the first reading of an ordinance (21-07C) that will affect how we put out trash and recyclables. We share their frustration with people who leave the lids off their cans or who put out bags next to the cans. But if passed on March 1, the new ordinance will require you to put trash out no earlier than 6:30pm the night before pickup. This means storing more trash in your home, garage or behind your house. We believe this not only increases unsanitary conditions in the home (think of garbage in the garage when we get to 90 degree weeks) but will also attract animals (coyotes, raccoons, mice, etc.) where our children go in and out of the house. We would rather see more enforcement of existing fines for improper trash handling. Please email your viewpoints before February 26 to:

Kyle Ominski, Township Administrator: ominski@longbeachtownship.com
Danielle La Valle, Township Clerk: dlavalle@longbeachtownship.com

Sign Ordinance: Also approved on first reading is a new ordinance (21-04C) that will eliminate the various “For Rent” signs placed in front of homes. The rationale is these have proliferated and are largely unnecessary with the shift to online listings. These signs can still be placed in windows.

Trustee Resignation: Eileen Bowker notified me that she has resigned as trustee in the HTA. I asked if she wanted a few days to reconsider and she subsequently confirmed her decision due to having many projects on her plate, such as Bowkers Deli, the purchase of the Holiday Snack Bar, her position on the local school board, and volunteer activities including those with St. Francis Church. As a result, the HTA Board has accepted her resignation with regret and is thankful for her many contributions to Holgate as a long-time trustee.

Dune Plantings: 2021 will be a huge push for the largest dune planting in our history. This is because of the continued erosion of the dunes and the added cost of water when the meters go into effect in 2022. We ask everyone to consider volunteering to plant this Spring.

Support the Food Pantry and Local Restaurants: We expect the demand for food will continue among local families who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. Please continue to donate to the Food Pantry at St. Francis while also supporting our local restaurants which are likely LBI’s largest source of employment. Food Pantry Link

On behalf of the HTA trustees, we are looking forward to seeing everyone this Spring after we’ve all hopefully received our vaccinations.

December Update

2020 certainly brought reminders of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (War, Famine, Wild Beasts and Pestilence). But as the year draws thankfully to a close, we wanted to share our year-end updates including some uplifting examples of the community coming together to help each other more.

  1. Beaches: The southern Holgate beaches have been hit hard by early storms with a full Winter yet to come. If you are in Holgate over the Winter please let us know the condition of the beaches, especially Beaches 3 and 4.
  2. Storms: Recent storms and high winds have had a predictable effect on shingles, siding and, in at least one case, deck furniture. Please be sure to bring in or tie down anything that is still outside. And remember, furniture coverings may simple act as a sail and make your property go airborne.
  3. Flooding: While flooding is less of a problem in Holgate than other parts of the Island, it affects us if we have to drive through it. First choice is to avoid flooded roads. Second choice is to drive very slowly to avoid creating any wakes. Don’t forget to wash down the underside of your car if you drive through any flooded areas to prevent damage.
  4. Coyotes: There are reports of multiple coyotes on the north end of LBI. While coyotes can usually be scared away by a human, they pose a threat to small animals including pets. This situation is being actively monitored. Please keep your pets on a leash, do not leave food outside for feral cats and be certain your trash containers are always closed. If a coyote finds food on your property, they may stay there.
  5. Greenheads, Mosquitos, Black Flies: Thanks to the efforts of the HTA Environment committee led by trustees Bill Hutson and Ted Stiles, it was a better than average summer for biting pests. We will be adding even more greenhead traps and will continue to work closely with the Ocean County Mosquito Commission to ensure frequent spraying in all areas. Black flies are another matter as they are difficult to trap but we are testing traps this Spring to see if we can reduce their population.
  6. Paving: Further north where water and gas lines have been replaced, the Boulevard is freshly paved and much smoother. In addition, it has been raised slightly to offset flooding.
  7. Covid/Hospital: Ocean County and Southern Ocean Medical Center are seeing a rise in Covid cases and ICU beds. As of December 7, SOMC was not at a crisis level but we are monitoring this closely. Those who want to support local workers at SOMC can send a check to the Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation with a note on the memo line of the check that directs the donation to the “Circle of Compassion for SOMC staff”. Online donations are discouraged.
  8. Food Pantry: Thanks to your generosity, the Food Pantry at St. Francis had a successful Thanksgiving season with some food left over. However, we are hearing that demand continues to increase with longer lines to receive food. Similar to last Spring, we may call upon our members to donate again over the Winter.
  9. Trustee and Officer Elections: Trustees Rand Pearsall, Dan Macone and Bob White were unanimously re-elected for two-year terms based on 174 votes from the membership. In turn, the HTA board voted to keep them in their current officer positions, respectively president, 2nd vice president and recording secretary.
  10. Refuge Cleanup: Our Fall clean-up of the Holgate Refuge in partnership with Alliance for a Living Ocean was very successful, filling much of a dumpster with plastic and other trash.
  11. No Dogs in the Refuge: Per Federal law, the Holgate Refuge is completely off-limits to dogs and other pets. Violators are subject to a fine of $150 and $30 in court costs.
  12. Fall Plantings: Despite a few Covid-related obstacles, the HTA and member volunteers turned out to continue to plant and water several beach access points and the bay access off Pershing. Good Fall rain has helped the plants take root. Special thanks to trustee Denise Brand for leading these efforts.
  13. Off-Season Crime: Sometime in the last 3-4 weeks a large kayak was stolen from beneath a house in Holgate. Please be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. Better to call the police and find it nothing is wrong than to wish you had notified them after the fact. And if you see a suspicious vehicle, please try to capture the license plate number.
  14. Holiday Lights: All lights are up on the poles and lit, making Holgate a little brighter this holiday season. Thanks again to trustee Dan Macone for making this happen, to members who contributed, and to the Township for storing and installing the lights each year.
  15. >Water Meter Install and Activation: Installation deadline was extended to December 31. IF YOU HAVE NOT INSTALLED A METER BY THEN, LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP WILL FINE YOU. This was confirmed in last week’s commissioners meeting. Meters must be separately activated by the homeowner. Please contact your plumber or call the Water/Sewer Department to purchase a meter and schedule activation, (609) 492-6314. https://bit.ly/LBTWaterMeterExtension.
  16. Restaurants: Please continue to patronize our hard-hit eateries as much as possible this Winter. Takeout orders and gift cards will help our local businesses survive until next season.
  17. Membership Count: Thanks to you we are at a new annual record of 432 out of 786!
  18. I will close this month with a request for more members who can join our committees in 2021, particularly for Dune Planting (organization, procurement, planting), Environment (greenhead trap construction and placement), Membership (outreach and recruitment) and others. You can sign up in your 2021 membership form. As the HTA has grown, our activities are outpacing the resources of our 12 volunteer trustees. Please consider joining us on a committee to help the HTA continue to grow and do great things for Holgate.

    On behalf of the HTA trustees, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Safer and Healthier New Year!

September Update

Hi everyone! Please note the schedule updates for several events (especially the HazMat drop-off for tomorrow) and please join us by volunteering. We hope to see many of you on Zoom next week and then outside in October as there have been too few opportunities to get together this year. And we have already started planning for a bigger and better 2021.

Rescheduled Fall Membership Meeting: Now officially rescheduled for Saturday, September 26 from 10:00 – 11:00 am via Zoom. A separate email will be sent to the membership with the Zoom invite information but please put this on your calendar.

Forsythe Refuge Clean-up: Officially scheduled for Saturday, October 10, beginning at 8am and running to noon (or as long as you can be there). The HTA will provide beverages and snacks. We are partnering with both the Refuge and the Alliance for a Living Ocean. Please advise if you have a 4-wheel drive truck (not all-wheel drive which is more common in SUVs and sedans) as we can cover more ground with more trucks. More info to come in a separate email.

Dune Planting: Officially scheduled for Saturday, October 17 beginning at 9am. OCEANFRONT OWNERS: We cannot plant your dune entrances unless we can also access your water. Please respond to this email if you can provide water access.

Lifeguards: 8 beaches in Long Beach Township will have lifeguards until the end of September. The only Holgate beach at this time is off Nelson Avenue on the north side. Please be strongly advised not to swim without a lifeguard for your safety.

Gator: The gator is still available daily and will operate until the end of September.

Shuttle Buses: The buses will operate on weekends only through the end of September.

Covid Impact: While the hospital remains in good shape, the economic dislocation of closed and partially re-opened businesses has put many out of work. This has resulted in unprecedented unemployment for the people who provide services to you on LBI and the St. Francis Food Pantry has had to expand their offerings. As a result, the HTA is contributing an incremental $1,000 on top of the $500 already donated.

Ocean County Solid Waste Household Hazardous Waste Program: The last HHW event of the year is taking place this Saturday (September 19) in Long Beach Township and is free to ALL residents of Ocean County. With approximately 100 spots available, advanced registration is required. https://www.co.ocean.nj.us/OC/SolidWaste/frmHHWP.aspx PAINT, BATTERIES, ANTIFREEZE and MOTOR OIL are always accepted at our Recycling Centers, no need to go to an HHW event. Learn more here: http://www.co.ocean.nj.us/OC/SolidWaste/frmRecycling.aspx

Chowderfest: Due to Covid concerns, the Chowderfest will be held over an entire month. Please see their website for details: https://bit.ly/Chowderfest2020

Kite Festival: Scheduled to take place October 10-11. http://bit.ly/LBIKiteFest2018

Tax Revaluation: There is still time to schedule an in-home assessment. This will provide a more accurate assessment and the visit only takes 5 minutes. Call Appraisal Systems at 201-493-8530.

Water Meters: Deadline for installation is October 1. Don’t wait for the last minute only to discover your plumber may not be available: https://bit.ly/LBTWaterMeterExtension

Water Meter Activation: Must be separately activated by the homeowner with the Township. Call the Water/Sewer Department to schedule. First bills under the new metering system are expected in January 2022.

Support Surflight Theater: Donations to keep Surflight operating and recover from summer storms can be made directly to: https://bit.ly/SurflightLBIDonate

2019 Election Results

Fall 2019 Membership Meeting Results

Election of Officers

Elected to two-year terms (running unopposed):

Eileen Bowker, 1st Vice President
Bill Cannon, Treasurer
Yanni Kaloudis, Corresponding Secretary

Election of Trustees

Elected to two-year terms*:

Frank Benintendo
Eileen Bowker
Denise Brand
Bill Cannon
Marianne Hurley
Bill Hutson
Yanni Kaloudis
Frank Lowry
Ted Stiles

*Detailed election results can be seen here

By-Laws Revisions

Approved by Membership

Fall 2019 Election of Trustees and Officers

This year the Holgate Taxpayers Association is electing 9 trustees from a list of 10 candidates for a two-year term. In addition, the officer positions of First Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer are up for election this year for two-year terms. The officer positions are not being contested this year.

Candidate profiles are available in the column on the right side of this homepage.

Each family with active member status in the Association is entitled to one (1) vote. In some cases, the Association has multiple e-mail addresses per family. The software being used to conduct this election will only allow one of those e-mails to be executed.

Early voting begins on Sunday, September 8, 2019 and ends on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 11:00 pm. Additional voting will re-open at the Meeting/BBQ at 5:00 PM on September 14, 2019 and will end at 6:00 PM the same day. New members and others who have not remitted their dues for 2019 will have the opportunity to pay their dues and cast their ballots at that time.

Results of the election will be announced Sunday, September 15 following validation of all ballots.

March Update

Forsythe Preserve Winter Clean-up:

HTA members are invited to join the NJ Beach Buggy Association and the staff of Lorry’s Island End Motel, on Saturday, March 16, to remove litter and trash from the Forsythe Preserve.

Volunteers should meet at the parking lot at the end of Long Beach Boulevard at 8:00 am with the event ending around noon. Coffee and donuts will be generously provided by the Beach Buggy Association. Please bring your own refreshments, gloves and garbage bags – and dress warmly. For questions, contact the Edwin B. Forsythe NWR at (609) 652-1665.

The monthly Township meeting was held March 4. The HTA’s Marianne Hurley provided this report:

Children’s Activities. The Township is going to have weekly bonfires (using propane) for kids on Friday evenings at the Bayview Park. Festivities will begin around dusk and will be followed by live music for the children for approximately another 2 hours. The weekly bonfires are intended to provide safe, social, and chaperoned entertainment. The Township has purchased a stage but is unsure at this time how soon it will be used.

Boulevard Flooding. Joey’s Pizza (‘waterfront dining’) has been purchased by the Township and over the next year it will be torn down and replaced with a pumping station to relieve the flooding problems on the Boulevard.

Shuttle Buses Update. An agreement has been completed with the Mayor of Manahawkin and our buses will be going off the Island in the hopes of picking up individuals who are interested in working on the Island during the summer. The number of daily pick-ups, cost to the rider, etc., is to be determined.

Hazardous Waste. In the next few months, there are 4 dates set up for hazardous waste pick-up. Please check the Township web site for the exact dates.

Holgate Groin. The groin was completed on February 20th and now we wait for the sand to start migrating back on our beaches. Beach access points will probably not be repaired until April after the Nor’easter storm season passes.

Safety Notice — Beach Access. People are going past the barriers to get to the beach and this is not advised due to the danger when you get to the top.

Road Repair. The roads in the Township to Beach Haven will be torn up starting in a few weeks to lay new water pipes. This will go on until June, and then beginning again in the Fall so “driver beware” and please have patience.

Township Meeting – February 4, 2019

The monthly meeting for the Township was held February 4.

Water Bills. When we receive our next water bill, there will be 3 enclosures:

Notice regarding water meters. 2,000 have been received and the rest should be coming in shortly. It will be up to the home owner to pick them up and then have a plumber install them. The average cost “should be around” $250.00 for the water meter but that is not written in stone. Commercial businesses already have water meters but will have to purchase a transponder.

The re-evaluation is still happening. The County has asked for more information regarding the tax maps which have been sent. As soon as they are approved by the County, the re-evaluation will start.

New Jersey is now requiring that all rental properties be inspected by the Fire Marshall with an “estimated” cost of $125.00 per unit.

Bayview Park Accessibility. The Township has built a dock/pier at Bayview Park for use by those with disabilities. It will also have 7 handicap parking spaces. Since some of the parking spaces will be in wetlands there was negative reaction from the large crowd at the meeting. Some individuals suggested there are numerous parking spaces within a block or two of the pier and that people could use beach wheels to get to the dock from these spaces. This appears to undermine the purpose of the handicap parking spaces. These individuals also asked for a special meeting when the residents from 66th Street (the area adjoining this project) get back on the Island to come up with another solution. Mayor Mancini told them that they will have 30 days to email back their concerns, and that those concerns would then be sent to the County. This will begin another 30 day period to contact the County with concerns.

Lifts. The lifts at 119th Street and 131st street are being renovated.

Wooden Jetty Replacement. Phase 1 for the new groin should be completed on deadline. The larger groin (Phase 2) will probably not start for at least 2 years. The Preserve is reported to be in agreement but it may be difficult to obtain approval from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Budget constraints will limit the amount of sand that can be added after the groin is completed (most of the budget for sand was used to protect the beach prior to groin installation) but the natural return of sand during the Spring combined with the drift of sand from the north is expected to contribute to better beaches.

Shuttle Buses. Pricing for the shuttle buses will be $2.00 per ride, or $5.00 daily; the Township has not determined a price for a seasonal pass. They are also working with Stafford’s Mayor to establish a bus route from the mainland which will help bring people (needed summer employees) to the Island who have no other way of getting here.