January Update

HTA January 2022 Newsletter

New Trustee Update: We are very thankful to have had 5 members express interest in becoming a trustee, with 2 so far deciding to move forward and begin the nominating petition process. That said, we are hoping to attract at least 3 in total to help us help our community. Remember, you do not have to be retired or a full-time resident (most of us aren’t); a very limited time commitment can do a lot of good for Holgate. Plus, you get to pick the causes/projects you care the most about.

If interested in learning more please let me know by responding to this email and I’ll contact you to set up a short phone call or Zoom.


January Highlights

  1. Membership Renewals for 2022
  2. Bulkhead Ordinance Rescinded
  3. Flooding, Resilient LBI and Back Bay Study
  4. Offshore Wind Updates
  5. Recycling
  6. Yard Sale Dates
  7. New Ordinance: Microbreweries and Craft Distilleries
  8. New Policy for Commissioners Meetings
  9. Covid Testing


  1. Membership Renewals: Everyone should have received their tax letters for 2021 and we’re off to a great start for 2022. We welcome back past members and ask everyone to reach out to new neighbors to let them know about the HTA with the hope of convincing them to join too. Join Now!
  2. New Bulkhead Ordinance Rescinded: An ordinance passed in October which called for raising bulkheads due to water coming over the existing bulkheads. The ordinance allowed for a phasing in of the new height requirements (LBT noted other towns are mandating 100% compliance within 2 years). This meant there would have been no deadline if you were not selling or planning a major renovation. After significant public opposition, the ordinance will be rescinded.
  3. Flooding, Resilient LBI and Back Bay Study: Resilient LBI’s next meeting is January 24 and an HTA representative will attend. Questions have been raised about scenarios and impacts on the southern half of LBI, and we will ask about this on Monday.
  4. Additional information regarding Back Bay plans will be covered in an LBIF presentation on January 29. Dr. Stan Hales, Director of the Barnegat Bay Partnership, will discuss the US Army Corps of Engineers Back Bay study plan. The $18.5 billion project will potentially impact our environment, our coastal economy, and our way of life. Dr. Hales will give a brief overview of the currently proposed Barnegat Bay component of the project. $5 registration free required. LINK

  5. Offshore Wind Updates: The amount of information and conjecture on offshore wind continues to increase. Recent news highlighted the auctions of more fields off the New York/New Jersey coast while one local group is suing the government to at least temporarily halt the development off LBI.

  6. Recycling: 2022 LBT Recycling & Trash Calendar. The mailing of this calendar to LBT taxpayers began January 10. Please be sure to read the new recycling section because Ocean County has expanded the list of recyclable items. Proper compliance (including from seasonal renters) is good for the environment and save money.
  7. Yard Sale Dates: Two Township-wide yard sales have been scheduled. Mark your calendars: Saturday May 28 (rain date Sunday, May 29) and Saturday July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3). You need to register in advance by completing and returning a form with a $10 fee to the Municipal Clerk’s office. A few days before the sale date, the list of addresses of those participating will be posted on the LBT website so people do not have to randomly drive around looking for sales. Later this year, the list of Upcoming Events will be updated on the website’s Home page to include the 2022 Township-wide yard sale. When that happens, click on that event from that list and you will see the link to the form that you will need to complete.
  8. New LBT Ordinance: 22-02C authorizes microbreweries and craft distilleries to exist within a general commercial zone, provided specific standards and conditions are complied with and a conditional use permit is applied for and obtained from the LBT Land Use Board. Such establishments would need to offer a specific, designated sampling area, provide only snack-type food and submit a full set of plans to receive a permit.
  9. New Policy for Commissioners Meeting: The six LBT taxpayer associations have requested greater transparency around the public meetings. Specifically, that more information be accessible to the public. In response, Township officials recently announced that effective immediately, you can find advance copies of the agenda for the upcoming monthly public meeting and drafts of proposed ordinances after they have been passed on first reading. They can be found here: https://bit.ly/LBTPublicMeetingInfo. Note: Last minute changes could result in the agenda distributed at the meeting differing from the one that was posted. Postings of new ordinances passed on first reading will happen within a week following the Public Meeting.
  10. Covid Testing (from LBI Health Dept.): Go to https://lbihealth.com/covid-19-testing-resources/ to schedule an appointment for the vaccine or booster dose. First vaccine doses are offered for walk-in on Wednesdays from 9-12pm. Local resources are available for Long Beach Island residents who are homebound or with lack of internet access or computer literacy. Those need assistance with scheduling an appointment should call (609) 492-1212. New Jersey resources: To find additional access to Covid-19 vaccines, you can search by your zip code and distance from home https://covid19.nj.gov/pages/finder