November 2022 Update

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The Board would appreciate your feedback. We’ve mentioned a past concern about declining levels of volunteerism and on October 22, we had no one volunteer for the all-island clean-up. We fully understand there are many conflicts in our schedules from kids’ sports to aging parents. But having zero volunteers was a bit of an eye-opener. For reference, another taxpayers association had 45 people; several others had 10-15 volunteers.

Please respond to this newsletter with any suggestions you may have that would increase your volunteerism in Holgate. What can we do to make this a better experience for you?

November Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Beach Replenishment Petition
  3. Windmill Status
  4. Holgate Water Treatment Plant
  5. Elections: Trustees and Officers
  6. Water and Sewer Fees
  7. Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  8. Township Ordinances Approved on Second Reading
  9. Holiday Lights
  10. Building a Board that is Active
  11. Lighthouse International Film Festival Special Offer – Deadline Dec. 1


  1. Beach Conditions
    • The Township has been busy plowing sand back up to the dunes to create a slope that will hopefully see less erosion. Unfortunately, there is poor beach access due to the storms this fall and big drop-offs exist at several beach entrances. Please be extra careful if you are going to the beach.
  2. Beach Replenishment Petition
    • After consultation with both current and former Congressional representatives, we are working on a petition to request full funding for needed replenishment on LBI. It is disturbing to learn that while funds were allocated by the House in the Army Corps budget or the next fiscal year, these funds have already been significantly reduced by the Senate. We are in discussions with Representative Van Drew’s office and Mayor Mancini on next steps.
    • Long Beach Township has also hired a lobbying firm to support the need for replenishment funding
  3. Windmill Status
    • You can find the Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI’s latest update (#7) of available information listed on the homepage of the HTA website. Please note, these summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the HTA but are the result of efforts by the JCTA to present as much factual and objective information as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. It is up to you to assess the information to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
  4. Holgate Water Treatment Plant Project
    • The water treatment plant located between Pershing and Roosevelt will be updated. Commissioner Bayard has said the overall footprint of the plant would not be increased. The HTA has seen the plans at Town Hall and discussed this with LBT. Two of the buildings will be moved slightly, raised and pitched roofs will be added essentially making the buildings 3 stories tall. Plans can be viewed at Town Hall.
  5. Fall Elections
    • Officers: The Board elected officers in our November meeting. Rand Pearsall, Bill Cannon and Bob White were elected to serve new two-year terms as president, treasurer, and recording secretary, respectively.
  6. Water and Sewer Fees
    • The Township is working on finalizing the base fee and usage rates for 2023. We expect these will be announced as a first reading ordinance at the December 5 Commissioners meeting.
    • The app to be able to track your own water usage has again been delayed and delivery is now anticipated in April – fingers crossed.
  7. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
    • 22-23C: Clarifies and confirms the flood elevation level in Flood Hazard Protection Area – V, a FEMA classification for coastal areas that are subject to frequent inundation
    • 22-24C: Proposes a standard way of measuring buildings erected on bayfront lots and lots on lagoons and confirms a maximum height of 34’ for those structures; raises the fee for installing sheds, grade-level decks, pavers and similar construction to $75 from $50
  8. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 22-22C: Establishes a minimum height of 5’ above mean sea level for all new and replacement bulkheads at marinas and on landlocked lagoons in the marine commercial zone
  9. Holiday Lights
    • If you have been on the Island since before Thanksgiving, we hope you enjoyed the lights that help bring some holiday cheer to Holgate. HTA VP Dan Macone added two new lights this year. Special thanks to Long Beach Township which installs, takes down and stores the lights for us each season.
  10. Building a Board that is Active
      The HTA and other LBI taxpayer associations attended a meeting sponsored by the Southern Ocean Chamber of Commerce. Based on available metrics, the HTA appears to be a well-functioning board and organization but we did note some potential areas of improvement.
  11. Lighthouse International Film Festival Offer – Deadline Dec. 1
    • The LIFF is offering all members of LBI taxpayer & property owners associations a discount on Full-Access and Film-Only passes to be used during the June 2023 film festival:
      • $110 for a Full-Access Pass ($150 regular price)
      • $89 for a Films Only Pass (regular price $115).
    • A LIFF ALL ACCESS PASS is your ticket to a 5-day cinematic experience on LBI. The 16th annual Lighthouse International Film Festival includes award-winning, independent films from around the world, 2 “Breakfast with the Filmmakers” events, priority entry master classes, panel discussions, and evening party and Awards Ceremony
    • A FILM ONLY PASS is your pass to a weekend of award-winning films. Catch every flick for 5 days. A film buff’s delight. Priority seating, Q&As, Panel Discussions and master classes.
    • This special discount expires on Dec. 1 so make your purchase today and join us for amazing films, stimulating discussions, and fun on LBI. To take advantage of this special offer:

      Click here for TAXPAYERS’ 2023 ALL ACCESS PASS
      Click here for TAXPAYERS’ 2023 FILM ONLY PASS
      Register/Sign In
      Select number of passes and click “Add to Cart”
      Click “Checkout”
      Type in your payment information and click “Complete Purchase.” If asked for code use TAXPAYERS
      If you have any questions or concerns please email –