December Update

2020 certainly brought reminders of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (War, Famine, Wild Beasts and Pestilence). But as the year draws thankfully to a close, we wanted to share our year-end updates including some uplifting examples of the community coming together to help each other more.

  1. Beaches: The southern Holgate beaches have been hit hard by early storms with a full Winter yet to come. If you are in Holgate over the Winter please let us know the condition of the beaches, especially Beaches 3 and 4.
  2. Storms: Recent storms and high winds have had a predictable effect on shingles, siding and, in at least one case, deck furniture. Please be sure to bring in or tie down anything that is still outside. And remember, furniture coverings may simple act as a sail and make your property go airborne.
  3. Flooding: While flooding is less of a problem in Holgate than other parts of the Island, it affects us if we have to drive through it. First choice is to avoid flooded roads. Second choice is to drive very slowly to avoid creating any wakes. Don’t forget to wash down the underside of your car if you drive through any flooded areas to prevent damage.
  4. Coyotes: There are reports of multiple coyotes on the north end of LBI. While coyotes can usually be scared away by a human, they pose a threat to small animals including pets. This situation is being actively monitored. Please keep your pets on a leash, do not leave food outside for feral cats and be certain your trash containers are always closed. If a coyote finds food on your property, they may stay there.
  5. Greenheads, Mosquitos, Black Flies: Thanks to the efforts of the HTA Environment committee led by trustees Bill Hutson and Ted Stiles, it was a better than average summer for biting pests. We will be adding even more greenhead traps and will continue to work closely with the Ocean County Mosquito Commission to ensure frequent spraying in all areas. Black flies are another matter as they are difficult to trap but we are testing traps this Spring to see if we can reduce their population.
  6. Paving: Further north where water and gas lines have been replaced, the Boulevard is freshly paved and much smoother. In addition, it has been raised slightly to offset flooding.
  7. Covid/Hospital: Ocean County and Southern Ocean Medical Center are seeing a rise in Covid cases and ICU beds. As of December 7, SOMC was not at a crisis level but we are monitoring this closely. Those who want to support local workers at SOMC can send a check to the Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation with a note on the memo line of the check that directs the donation to the “Circle of Compassion for SOMC staff”. Online donations are discouraged.
  8. Food Pantry: Thanks to your generosity, the Food Pantry at St. Francis had a successful Thanksgiving season with some food left over. However, we are hearing that demand continues to increase with longer lines to receive food. Similar to last Spring, we may call upon our members to donate again over the Winter.
  9. Trustee and Officer Elections: Trustees Rand Pearsall, Dan Macone and Bob White were unanimously re-elected for two-year terms based on 174 votes from the membership. In turn, the HTA board voted to keep them in their current officer positions, respectively president, 2nd vice president and recording secretary.
  10. Refuge Cleanup: Our Fall clean-up of the Holgate Refuge in partnership with Alliance for a Living Ocean was very successful, filling much of a dumpster with plastic and other trash.
  11. No Dogs in the Refuge: Per Federal law, the Holgate Refuge is completely off-limits to dogs and other pets. Violators are subject to a fine of $150 and $30 in court costs.
  12. Fall Plantings: Despite a few Covid-related obstacles, the HTA and member volunteers turned out to continue to plant and water several beach access points and the bay access off Pershing. Good Fall rain has helped the plants take root. Special thanks to trustee Denise Brand for leading these efforts.
  13. Off-Season Crime: Sometime in the last 3-4 weeks a large kayak was stolen from beneath a house in Holgate. Please be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. Better to call the police and find it nothing is wrong than to wish you had notified them after the fact. And if you see a suspicious vehicle, please try to capture the license plate number.
  14. Holiday Lights: All lights are up on the poles and lit, making Holgate a little brighter this holiday season. Thanks again to trustee Dan Macone for making this happen, to members who contributed, and to the Township for storing and installing the lights each year.
  15. >Water Meter Install and Activation: Installation deadline was extended to December 31. IF YOU HAVE NOT INSTALLED A METER BY THEN, LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP WILL FINE YOU. This was confirmed in last week’s commissioners meeting. Meters must be separately activated by the homeowner. Please contact your plumber or call the Water/Sewer Department to purchase a meter and schedule activation, (609) 492-6314.
  16. Restaurants: Please continue to patronize our hard-hit eateries as much as possible this Winter. Takeout orders and gift cards will help our local businesses survive until next season.
  17. Membership Count: Thanks to you we are at a new annual record of 432 out of 786!
  18. I will close this month with a request for more members who can join our committees in 2021, particularly for Dune Planting (organization, procurement, planting), Environment (greenhead trap construction and placement), Membership (outreach and recruitment) and others. You can sign up in your 2021 membership form. As the HTA has grown, our activities are outpacing the resources of our 12 volunteer trustees. Please consider joining us on a committee to help the HTA continue to grow and do great things for Holgate.

    On behalf of the HTA trustees, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Safer and Healthier New Year!

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