Holgate Clean-up Saturday, June 12, 2021

Holgate Clean-up Saturday, June 12, 2021

Help Keep Holgate Beautiful – Please Volunteer to Help

Volunteers for Areas 3 and 4 will meet in the south parking lot by the bathhouse at 8:15 AM.
Volunteers for Areas 1 and 2 will meet at 3001 S. Long Beach Blvd. at 8:45 AM.

Area 1 – Osborn to Abbott (Paper Street) Beach Accesses and Clam Cove

Area 2 – Rosemma to Scott Beach Accesses and Wetlands Beach

Area 3 – Holgate to Pershing Beach Accesses, Bay Beach, Playground, Basketball and Tennis Courts and Township Properties at the Bay End of Janet and Pershing

Area 4 – Wildlife Refuge to Roosevelt Beach Access

At those times, volunteers will be provided with gloves (if you are not able to bring your own), a pail or a bag for debris and trash collection and a bottle of water. Meet your area captain who will direct you to your assigned area and assist you during the clean-up. Arrangements have been made with the Township to pick up the collected debris at the specific points designated on the volunteer sheets. It is strongly recommended that long sleeves and long pants be worn, and that clothing be washed as soon as possible after the clean-up to protect against poison ivy.

Please e-mail Dan Macone at dkmacone74@gmail.com at your earliest convenience with your preferred work area.

Save the Date: Spring Membership Meeting, Saturday, June 5, 10am, Bond’s Park (Bay Tennis Court); Commissioner Ralph Bayard will attend and take questions; Coffee and snack will be served.

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